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Barbell Bicep Curls

Description : Bicep curls are a great standard upper body exercise used to strengthen the biceps and shoulders. Learn how to perform them with a barbell in this training video brought to you by Inflict Training.

Tag : Recent exercises, New exercises, Training ballasting, Physical education, Flexibility, Power, Iron, Weightlifting, Endurance,Biceps, Chest, Triceps, Aerobic, Back muscles, Abdominal muscles, Shoulder muscles, Quadriceps, Leg muscle

Fitness Articles and Tips

The Reason
Desire drives actions.

Why are you involved in bodybuilding? Bodybuilding can be a very inconvenient way to live at times. Yes, I know about the health benefits, and thank God for them. I believe, however, that the vets of this board will agree with me when I say that sometimes it gets difficult.

It's sometimes difficult to work out in the early morning or late evening hours. It's sometimes difficult to slam a heavy protein shake before bed that leaves you feeling like you don't know whether you want to pass out, or go throw it up. It's not easy to see your friends eat whatever they want, while you are sticking to a certain diet.

Keeping your focus in the gym and at the dinner table will depend on how well you plan ahead. Whether you plan ahead or not will depend on how strong your reason is. Why are you involved in bodybuilding?

Is it for health? Sex appeal?, Athletics?, Revenge?, Insecurities?, Image? Only you can answer the questions for your situation.

I used to get so discouraged. I have thrown up my protein shake. I have walked out of the gym, leaving my partner there. I felt small and weak when I was 2 benches over from Omar Deckard at a gym in Los Angeles. I have wanted to quit time and time again. But my "reason" was stronger than the discouragement.

If you are discouraged, have patience. So you are having a hard time........ so what?! Just relax and let yourself go through the disappointment. Regroup if you have to. Just don't let the discouragement be stronger than your reason for working out. What's going to happen if you stop? If you quit, you will definitely not get that body you desire.

What is your reason for bodybuilding? Let that carry you through the hard times. Because, one day in the future, someone is going to come up to you and say, ".....Oh my goodness!, look at you!, you look great!" I promise this will happen.