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Soccer drills Inside Outside Cuts

Tags : Soccer training for kids, for youth, drills, shooting, Football, Tactic, Tips, Training, defense, attacing, dvd, Coaching dvd, skills, drills , Passing

The Tip

Is it okay to do activities in soccer practice that don’t use balls. I have heard that soccer players should constantly be “with a ball” at every practice?

It’s okay for some of our activities to not have balls. Take into consideration the Simon Says game. Young children have a tough time focusing on more than one task at the same time. If we start them off by asking them to focus on the ball and listen to what we are telling them to do they may not succeed. We can ease them into the activity by doing one round where they do not have a ball and then add a ball for the other rounds.

Also, we want to spend time not only developing their soccer abilities but their body awareness as well. Young children need to become acquainted with their body and how it works. That is why some of the activities ask the children to hop like a frog or crawl like a crab. While they are fun for the children they are also providing an opportunity for children to move in different ways and learn how to use their body. The warm-up games Simon Says, I Can Do This Can You, and Ball Retrieval are great games for teaching body awareness. In all of these games we can ask the children to do different body movements that will improve their body awareness.