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Basketball Weight Training Workouts

Weight training plays a key role in the development of a basketball player. While skill development and cardiovascular conditioning obviously are important as a player works on his game, developing strength and explosive power can help separate a player from the competition and help him make significant improvement. Having greater strength is especially important when pulling down a rebound or going for a loose ball, but it also helps a player have more endurance on the court.

Arm Curls
This is one of the best workouts for building arm and upper-body strength. Start off with a 35-pound dumbbell in your right arm. Hold it down at waist-level. Take a shoulder-length stance and try not to let your back move or sway. Bring the weight up to shoulder level and then return it to your waist. Do this 10 times before switching the weight to your left arm and doing 10 more reps. Take a 30-second break and do both arms again.

Shoulder Shrugs
Building strength in your shoulders is vital when it comes to rebounding and clearing an area out on the court. It will also help you flick passes with ease down the length of the court. Take two 25-pound dumbbells and hold them in each arm. Stand straight up and shrug your shoulders in a round, circuclar motion. Do this 15 times to build functional strength.

Sit-ups on an Exercise Ball
Working out on an exercise ball will build core strength. One of the best exercises to do is the sit-up. Doing this staple on an exercise ball will build up the abdominal muscles and those muscles near the rib cage. Sit on an exercise ball and find your balance point. Lean back until your body has gone past the point of being parallel to the floor. This should create dynamic tension in your stomach and abdominal muscles. Raise up about 18 to 24 inches and then go back down to the starting position. Do this 40 times, take a 1-minute break and do it again. Do this routine two or three times per session when working out in the weight room.