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Hit the Movements Not the Muscles

You may be someone who believes their strength regime is bulletproof, or you may be a person who is completely lost and looking for a push in the right direction. Whatever the case, it is always good to have a balanced weight routine that targets all six movement patterns of the body.
Step 1: Vertical Push. This movement pattern justifies pushing movement that falls into an upward plane of motion. This pattern is exemplified through any overhead pressing motion. Shoulder presses and lateral raises are two examples that target this pattern.
Step 2: Vertical Pull. This action focuses on all overhead pulling motions. Exercises that fall in this category include chin-ups, pull-ups and pull downs.
Step 3: Horizontal Push. Training this movement consists of patterns that push in the horizontal plane. An example of this would be push-ups, bench presses and all their variations.
Step 4: Horizontal Pull. These are patterns that pull in the horizontal plane. This movement includes rowing and all of its variations.
Step 5: Hip Dominant. This pattern targets the glutes, hips and hamstrings, which is also referred to the posterior chain. Exercises included step-ups, bridging, dead-lifts and kettlebell swings.
Step 6: Quad Dominant. This pattern, which includes squats, lunges, leg press and their variations, focuses on the thigh muscles, also referred to as the quadriceps.
By equally hitting all six of these movements in a single workout, you will be able to create a balanced full body strength routine. To do this, always opt for exercises that work multiple muscle groups over exercises that focus on a single muscle. Remember, if you do not work all the movement patterns, you can create body imbalances that can lead to injury. Listed below is a sample strength regime that illustrates exercises in each movement plane.

Sample Workout
1. Active Warm-Up
2. Core Work
3. Strength (repeat each circuit twice)
Circuit 1 (all 8 reps)
Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press (vertical push)
Dumbbell Front Squats (Quad Dominant)
Circuit 2 (all 8 reps)
Pull-ups (vertical pull)
Single leg Dead-lift (hip dominant)
Circuit 3 (all 8 reps)
Bent Over Dumbbell Row (horizontal pull)
Push up (horizontal push)
4. Cardio Intervals