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How to Eliminate Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Stretch marks form on the skin after it has been stretched past its normal limits. These stretch marks are medically known as "striae" and they look like reddish colored lines that generally appear on the breasts, thighs, butt and stomach. Some examples of situations that can spark up stretch marks include puberty, heavy weightlifting and pregnancy. When they appear from pregnancy, the abdomen is the most victimized area. The process for eliminating them includes some lifestyle adjustments that involve some natural and conventional treatments.

The Steps
Step 1
Improve the health of your skin through your diet. When dealing with stretch marks, it is important to take as good of care of your skin as possible. One way to do this is by eating foods that are beneficial to skin health. Some of these foods include sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, kiwis, turkey and snapper.

Step 2
Increase your water intake. Water helps to flush toxins from the system, and it also keeps the cells of the body well-hydrated. This includes the skin. According to the Institute of Medicine, women should consume 2.7 liters of total water daily.

Step 3
Brush your body. Get an exfoliating brush and use it on your body when you are taking a shower. This can help lift dead skin cells and promote circulation to the skin, improving its health and appearance. Start at the location of the stretch marks that are farthest away from your heart and work toward it. Go in circular motions and use a soft-bristled brush.

Step 4
Preserve your skin with some cream. Applying a moisturizing cream to the affected areas can help promote skin health and elasticity. Some examples of these would be lanolin, aloe vera, vitamin E oil, wheat germ oil and cocoa butter.

Step 5
Do some exercises. Exercising can tone the muscles and keep the skin taut and elastic. The exercises that are done should target the legs, chest, stomach and arms. Some examples of these would be bench presses, lunges, squats, crunches, dips, bicep curls and leg lifts.

Step 6
Get some laser treatment. If all else fails, laser treatment can be done to wipe out the stretch marks. In this procedure, high-powered beams of light are used to remove tissue that has been damaged in the middle layer of skin where the stretch marks take place. The fibers and blood vessels that have been damaged by the stretch marks are then repaired.