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Strengthening Exercises for Shoulders

There are many reasons, as well as many ways, to perform strengthening exercises for the shoulders. Strong shoulder muscles are resistant to common injuries, such as torn rotator cuffs. Some women wear outfits with shoulder pads, so that their hips look smaller in contrast to their shoulders. The same effect can be created with shoulder exercises, but the effects will be permanent. You should do your shoulder workouts three times a week. Allow 48 hours of rest between training sessions, and perform three sets of eight to 12 repetitions. You can perform shoulder exercises on weight training equipment, with dumbbells or with elastic resistance.

Shoulder Rotator Cuff Exercises
The shoulder rotator cuff muscles lie on the outside of the shoulder joint. They are responsible for elevating the arm and rotating the should in various directions. The four rotator cuff muscles include. the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, the teres minor and the subscapularis. The side-lying external rotation exercise is one of the most common ways to prevent or rehabilitate injuries to this area. Lay on your side and support yourself with your bottom arm. Hold a light weight with your top hand. Position your top elbow so that it rests firmly against your waist. Lower your forearm so that your hand is in line with your belly button. Inhale to prepare, and as you exhale, rotate your shoulder so that your hand faces the ceiling. Perform one set, and then change sides.

Dumbbell Overhead Press
The overhead press works the deltoids, which are the largest muscles of the shoulder. Sit on an upright weight bench, and make sure that your head, butt and shoulders are lined up against the seat. Begin with the weights in alignment with your shoulders, and the palms facing the ceiling. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, straighten your arms and press the weights overhead. Do not allow your back to arch. This exercise can also be performed with a barbell.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Begin by standing in an upright position. Hold one weight in each hand, and position the weights so that they are in fort of your thighs. Your elbows should be slightly bent, but your wrists should be straight. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, raise your arms to shoulder height. Inhale to return. You can also do this with a resistance band. Place one foot on the band, and hold each handle with each hand. Raise your arms to shoulder height, and then slowly lower them.

Front Raise
This exercise works the front of the deltoid muscle. Although it is often demonstrated raising both arms simultaneously, above shoulder height, if you have a tendency towards shoulder impingement injuries, or if you do not have enough core strength to maintain a stable spine while lifting the weight, it is suggested that you work one arm at a time, and do not raise the arm above shoulder height. Stand with your feet parallel and your knees relaxed. Hold one weight with each hand, with your palms facing your body. Inhale to prepare, and as you exhale, raise the arm to shoulder height, so that it is parallel to the floor. You can either perform one set at a time, or alternate arms within a set.