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3 Ways to Do Shoulder External Rotation Weightlifting

1. Weight Your Options
One way to do shoulder external rotation weightlifting, sometimes known as lateral rotation, is with free weights and an exercise mat. Lie on your side, supporting your upper body on your elbow, and grasp a low weight dumbbell in the opposite hand. With the arm at a 90-degree angle to the body, rest the dumbbell on the mat in front of you. Focusing on the movement in your shoulder and upper arm, rotate the weight around the axis of the arm bone, up and away from the center of your body. Be sure to have a professional check your form, especially since free weights don't allow for the controlled movement that a Nautilus or other exercise machine does. Also, be sure to check with your doctor before starting this type of exercise, since incorrect position and technique can cause undue stress on the elbow joint, which will set you up for a potential injury. Lower the weight and reduce the number of reps if you cannot keep good form.

2. Don't Weight
Consider trying this same exercise with no free weight. The form is the same, lie on the floor and support your upper body with your lower arm. Then take your other arm at a 90-degree angle to your body and, again focusing on the upper arm and shoulder, rotate your arm away from the center of your body. You need to change from actual to perceived resistance, which in some cases is more effective. This may be a great way to condition the joint if you've had a past shoulder injury, but make sure you check with your physical therapist and orthopedic specialist before trying this exercise. If you have injured your shoulder in the past, pay special attention to your body movements and make sure you are using the correct form. The same rules apply as when you're lifting actual weights, make sure your reps increase only as long as you can maintain form.

3. Do Double Time
Another position and form for shoulder external rotation is with an exercise cord or resistance band. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Flex your elbows until they are at a 90-degree angle to your body with palms up. Grasp the resistance band in your hands and hold firmly. Rotate both arms out around the axis of your upper arm, again concentrating on the upper arm and shoulder muscles. Pause at the end of the movement and slowly return to center. This has the benefit of working both arms at once. As with all other exercises, stop immediately if you have pain and contact a health professional.