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3 Ways to Prevent Muscle Imbalance in Shoulders

1. Pump 'Em Up
The best way to prevent muscle imbalances in your shoulders is to strengthen them. Dips, shrugs, cable raises and shoulder presses are all excellent ways to build strong, flexible muscles that support your upper back and neck. Adding two to three shoulder workouts per week to your weightlifting regimen is more than enough to protect you against painful muscle imbalances.
If you decide to hit the weights, however, make sure you work each shoulder equally. Doing exercises with dumbbells in each hand instead of a one-piece barbell guarantees that your shoulders are lifting the same amounts of weight, meaning they'll develop smoothly and evenly. Also, if you've never lifted weights before, get help getting started from a personal trainer or other weightlifter. Even for experienced athletes, weight training can be stressful and at times dangerous without supervision and guidance.

2. Strive for Balance
Because the shoulders are such complex joints, they can move in a variety of different ways. Some exercises--like push-ups and bench presses--work their pushing strength, while other exercises--like seated rows and pull-ups--work their pulling strength. Realizing how dynamic your shoulders are and exercising them in each direction is vital to preventing muscle imbalances. Giving them this balance is easy: just make sure you pair each pushing or pulling exercise with an exercise in the opposite direction. This will develop all of the muscles surrounding your shoulders, instead of only the ones on the front, sides or back of the joints. As a general rule of thumb, try performing at least one exercise for every major direction your shoulders can move.

3. Limber Up and Get Loose
Like any other joint in the body, your shoulders grow weak and become inflexible over time if you don't give them the exercise they need to stay supple and strong. Weight training is a great way to get strong, but you'll need to add some basic shoulder stretches to your routine to get flexible, as well. The good news is that stretching your shoulders is easy to do and doesn't require any fancy equipment--doorways, walls and even the ground are great stretching aids when it comes to these joints.
While stretching definitely feels good, it more importantly prevents opposing muscles in your shoulders from becoming tight and pulling against each other, shielding you from pain and inflammation. Simply add stretch-and-hold exercises to the end of your workout, and you'll get the results you need to feel great.