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4 Ways to Get Stronger Hamstrings

1. Be Hip (Dominant)
Leg exercises usually classify as quad dominant or hip dominant. A quad dominant exercise forces the body to move more at the knee than the hip. The squat is a quad dominant exercise. Hip dominant exercises bend more at the hip than at the knee. The bend at the hip forces the posterior chain (lower back, glutes and hamstrings) to work harder than the front of the leg--especially the hamstrings. The dead-lift, in which you pick a weight up off the floor, is a hip dominant exercise and creates stronger hamstrings. The stiff-leg dead-lift (aka Romanian dead-lift) is a dead-lift, but when completing these, the legs only slightly bend and the back stays straight. With the feet touching or no more than four inches apart, the hamstrings do all the work in the movement. The Romanian dead-lift was originally invented for sprinters. Bodybuilders noticed the awesome hamstring definition the sprinters had and began performing the Romanian dead-lifts as well. Now it is a very popular exercise used to build stronger and more flexible hamstrings. Other hip dominant exercises include hyperextensions, reverse hyperextensions and the cable pull-through.

2. Go Against the Grain
The hamstrings can become stronger from non weight lifting exercises as well. Walking or sprinting uphill causes the body to shift mechanics. The hips bend more when walking uphill than on a flat or downward-sloped surface. Pick a steady speed on the treadmill, crank up the incline and you’ll feel the hamstrings start burning.

3. Get Crazy
Too many people are fixated with doing everything in the weight room. An idea that sounds crazy--but that is extremely effective--is pushing cars. Do this with your hands on the back bumper and you will get stronger hamstrings. Another outside activity to build strong hamstrings is to pull a weight behind you. This is most commonly performed with sleds. Stay upright when pulling a heavy object and pulling sleds/weight will also burn out the core as well. Not everyone is strong. To get strong you need to do things everyone else is NOT doing.

4. Leg Curls Last
Just like leg extensions, leg curls don’t build bigger legs. Leg curls build better legs. Bodybuilders use leg curl machines to help develop definition in the hamstrings. Perform the movement slowly. If you have to, count the timing of each repetition; each rep should take at least four seconds to complete. Do not to lock out your knees at the bottom of the movement. Follow these tips and you won’t have hamstrings anymore. Those ‘strings will turn into ham-strongs.