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5 Ways to Build Bigger Quads

1. Perform Squats
Defined, quad dominant movements are exercises that force the legs to bend more at the knee than at the hip. The most famous example of a quad dominant exercise is the squat. Occasionally squats get confused with dead-lifts and vice versa. The clarifying element is the placement of the load (weight). If the weight is below the waist, it is a dead-lift. The exercise classifies as a squat if the weight is above the waist. Squats can be performed with a barbell across the back. The barbell back squat may be the single greatest exercise in building bigger quads. The barbell squat can also be performed with the weight across the front of the shoulders (front squats). Stay away from the Smith machine. While it is dubbed as a way to decrease injury, the Smith machine actually causes more stress on the joints. The motion is pre-determined and cannot vary. The pre-destined motion may interfere with your natural body mechanics. For those with a bad back, the barbell back and front squat can be substituted by holding dumbbells at the shoulders. Another way to avoid the bar is to lean against a stability ball (placed against a wall), hold dumbbells at your shoulders and squat. Squats can also be performed with bodyweight and high repetitions.

2. Stay on Your Toes
Lunges, split squats and wall sits can be safely performed with your heels off the floor. This variation takes the pressure off the hamstrings and puts it on the quads. Standing on your toes also helps build the calves.

3. Try Supersets
Defined, a superset is performing multiple exercises of the same body part with little to no rest between exercises. Supersets work best when the two exercises are similar in execution. For example, a good superset to build bigger quads is a barbell back squat followed immediately by bodyweight squat jumps.

4. Do Leg Extensions Last
Leg extensions will not build bigger quads but they can build better quads. The exercise can help you develop definition between the four muscles of the front of the leg. Perform leg extensions at the end of a tough leg workout.

5. Sprint
Sprinting is also a quad dominant activity. The exaggerated knee bend during sprints induces the quads to work extremely hard. Sprinting is also very anaerobic, which makes it anabolic (muscle-building) in nature. Long-distance running is catabolic (breaking down) in nature. If you want to build pure size in the legs, avoid long-distance activities and stick to sprinting. Occasionally training programs call for weight training and cardio on the same day. Lift weights first in this case.