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Basketball Shooting Tips

Shooting a basketball is done most successfully when proper shooting form and mechanics are used. Proper form requires that your entire body be engaged so a shot has a high arc and good spin. Perfecting one's shooting form requires constant effort, even in the professional leagues. There are a number of steps you can take on your own to improve your shooting mechanics.

Bend Your Knees
Most of your shooting power doesn't come from your arms, but from your knees. In order to generate this power while shooting, you need to keep them bent so you can spring upward, which helps propel the basketball.

Aim With Your Toes
Your body will want to direct itself and its movement in the direction your toes are pointed. Pointing your toes toward the basket will keep you squared with the hoop and improve the accuracy of your shot.

Shoot and Guide
Some basketball players, particularly novices, use two hands to shoot the basketball, thinking it makes the ball easier to handle and aim. In reality, shooting with one hand while guiding with the other improves aim and control. Use your dominant hand to propel the shot and your other hand to serve as a guide on the side of the ball. When you shoot and push the ball forward with your shooting hand, your guide hand stays still.

Eye on the Hoop
Some basketball players watch the ball to make sure it is traveling as it should. Rather than watch the ball, trust that your hands will guide it properly and keep your eyes fixed on the middle of the hoop.