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How to Shoot Basketball Hoops


The most fundamental skill in basketball is being able to shoot the ball properly. Basketball uses simple mechanics to give the ball proper spin and arc as it travels toward the hoop. Many people wrongly assume that shooting a basketball is done with your arms, but most of the power is derived from the legs and wrist. The arms provide direction more than strength.

Step 1
Hold a basketball with both hands. Your dominant hand should be used as your shooting hand and should be placed directly behind the ball with your palm facing the hoop. This will be the hand that projects the ball toward the hoop. Your other hand will be placed alongside the ball as a guide. When you shoot, this hand will not move.

Step 2
Square your feet with the hoop and have them shoulder-width apart. Your body will naturally want to shoot in the direction your feet are pointed, so pointing them toward the hoop will make it more likely that your shot will travel straight.

Step 3
Bend your knees. Your knees are where the power of your shot comes from, and jumping can also give you some extra height over the outstretched arms of defenders.

Step 4
Hold the ball in front of your chest. Begin your shooting motion by raising the ball in front of and above your head and jumping. Your arms should be traveling up at about a 75-degree angle relative to the ground. This will help give your shot good arc--your wrist motion will propel the ball toward the hoop.

Step 5
Fully extend your arm as you reach the height of your jump. As the arm reaches full extension, roll the basketball off your fingertips by flicking your wrist. Hold this pose as you return to the ground and watch the ball travel toward the hoop. This will ensure proper follow-through on your form.