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Quickest Way to Jump Higher

Getting height on your jump is an absolute must in sports like basketball and volleyball, and it also helps in football, soccer and several other sports. Vertical leap is widely considered to be a great indicator of overall athletic talent. You can improve your vertical and find a way to get up in the air higher by exercising, working out and eating right

Step 1
Do calf raises on an every day basis. This can be done anywhere or at anytime -- including the shower. With your hands at your sides, lift your calf muscles off the ground and hold the lift for a count of three. Return to your original position. Repeat the lift 10 times and then take a 30 second break. Repeat the set.

Step 2
Do forward lunges to build strength and explosive power in your legs. Stand with one leg in front of the other. Bend your knee in your front leg as you dip down and lower your back leg. Raise up to your original position. Do this 10 times, take a 30-second break and repeat the set. Do this every day.

Step 3
Do deep knee bends with small dumbbells. Hold 5-pound weights in each of your hands. Bend down until you are in a position similar to a catcher's stance. Raise up to the original position. Do this exercise 15-to-20 times on an every-day basis.

Step 4
Go to the running track or the football field and do some sprinting. Sprinting builds the explosive muscles that are also used for jumping. A 60-yard sprint will work the calf muscles and the muscles in the buttocks. Do three of these sprints in succession with no more than a 30-second break in between these dashes.

Step 5
Change your diet so that you are eating less red meat and more chicken and fish. The body performs more efficiently when it burns fuel that contains less fat. Substitute fruits and vegetables for candy and cake.