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Training & Conditioning for Basketball

Training for basketball is based on getting in outstanding conditioning and building basketball skills. The nature of the game of basketball demands that its participants are in the best shape possible and that they remain that way throughout the course of the seasons. The other part of the process involves going though intense and demanding drills that help bring out the best in a basketball player.

Building endurance
A basketball player has to be able to run up and down the court without feeling fatigued. This seemingly difficult goal can be accomplished by running every day before the start of basketball practice. One of the top drill for building endurance is running baseline drills. The players start out at the baseline and run to the free-throw line and back to the baseline, to midcourt and back, to the far free-throw line and back and to the far baseline and back. Do this two or three times per practice and players will get in excellent shape quickly.

Building explosiveness
Basketball players have to work hard in order to build explosiveness in the legs. Jumping power is often thought to be a natural talent, but that can be built through practice and hard work. One of the drills to use is the tip drill. As a coach or a teammate tosses the ball high off the backboard, you have to jump as high as you can to get the ball at the highest point you can reach and tip it in the basket. Do this 10 times, take a 30-second break and do it 10 more times.

Shooting drills
Pick out five spots on the court located equidistant from the basket and work on your shooting. With a rack of basketballs by your side, shoot 5 shots from each spot in rapid succession. Make it a point to hold your form. This rapid shooting drill will help you develop accuracy.

Dribbling drill
Take 6 folding chairs and line them up in a row three feet apart from each other. Dribble around the first chair to the right and then cut through the opening and go around the next chair while dribbling with your left hand. Continue in this manner until you have dribbled past all the chairs. Turn around and repeat the drill with your head up and not looking at the ball.

Diet change
Cut out as much red meat as possible and replace it with fish and chicken. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. You want your body to burn the cleanest fuel possible in order to gain strength and get in great shape.